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Позволяет определить задатки, склонности и способности, заложенные человеку в момент его рождения.
Социальная сеть Антакарана Книга Урантии Электронная версия одного из уникальных мировоззренчкеских трудов второй половины ХХ века Игра "Лила чакра" Игра самопознания Лила создана в Индии много веков назад. С помощью игры Лила меняется жизнь и судьба. |
Sovet-8, several introductory phrasesSovet-8 is Russian public association, created in 2012.The word “sovet” (Russian for “council”) in the name of the association should be understood not only as a “joint discussion of certain subjects”, but also as its acceptations, such as “consent, friendship, harmony”, “good sense, wisdom”. The number 8 also has its sense load. Different religious traditions have linked it to harmony, perfection, fullness, consent and, at the same time – to the beginning of a new cycle. All spheres of our society today are affected by the deepest crisis. It necessitates a new view of reality, urges people on finding more harmonious forms of existence. Our civilization desperately needs an evolutionary leap, and the great amount of surprising knowledge acquired by a constantly growing number of people today shows us that this leap is possible. On the one hand, this knowledge has been existing for thousands years. On the other - it is being rediscovered today in scientific researches. The situation paradox is that in modern society practitioner people, those, who take the key decisions on the ways of human development, do it as if they were living and acting without taking this knowledge into consideration, not knowing, not willing or not daring to go above the hopelessly obsolete paradigm. And those, who possess the knowledge, do nothing but store it or implement it in a limited society frame. Our desire is to build up bridges between practitioners and theoreticians in the frame of the irreversible process of uniting people, who live in an amazingly integral reality, which is erroneously characterized as scattered and separated one because of the faulty needs cult, established in our society, and habitual social aims propaganda. Taking into consideration the intensity of the modern society information flow, we will publish small compiled materials referring to those primary sources, which, to our mind, correspond to the ideology of the coming era. You will find them in appropriate headings of such sections as Open World and Open Consciousness. We will be pleased to receive from you texts and materials responding to the aims of the Sovet-8 and we will publish those of them, which will go along with the site concept. In our Library, Encyclopedia of Wisdom and Personalities you will see, which books, thoughts and historical personalities are spiritually close to us; who and how, in our opinion, anticipated the ideas topical to the modern stage of human development in the remote past and in recent times. The Topical Subject and Events serve the purpose of building this bridge between politics and spirituality. We will try in these headings, with the help of independent experts, to interpret actual processes from the deepest universal laws point of view. Finally, in our headings Blogs and Interesting in the Net we offer you links to some Internet sources, which seem interesting and useful to us in self-exploration as well as for the research of knowledge about the reality. Besides, we suggest you joining the Sovet-8 and it can also be done on the site. The consolidation of all people is indispensable for the arriving of the new era of the human history, and Sovet-8 may become one of those cells, serving as a foundation for the united society. Articles
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PollHumanity is in a deep crisis. What will be next?Pressing topic
Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Our partnersНаш баннер![]() |