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Позволяет определить задатки, склонности и способности, заложенные человеку в момент его рождения.
Социальная сеть Антакарана Книга Урантии Электронная версия одного из уникальных мировоззренчкеских трудов второй половины ХХ века Игра "Лила чакра" Игра самопознания Лила создана в Индии много веков назад. С помощью игры Лила меняется жизнь и судьба. |
THE REGULATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATIONExtract from the regulations of the Sovet-8 interregional public association: Article 4. The aims of the Organization. Understanding that the interior dissatisfaction of people by their existence becomes an impediment to the modern society development, the Organization set itself following aims: 4.1. To awake people awareness of what their supreme “I” is, to show them the essence of the all-embracing unity, to motivate their personalities for self-realization and for research of the Truth. 4.2. To unite the efforts of all progressively thinking people in order to create favourable conditions for the human society development. 4.3. To disseminate progressive-minded ideas, to promote the formation of the global modern world outlook, based on the fusion of scientific knowledge, spiritual experience and religious conceptions, acquired during the evolution process. Article 5. The directions of the Organization’s activity. In order to reach the aims given in the regulations and in compliance with current legislation, the Organization implements following types of activity: 5.1. Unification of the intellectual potential, creative resources and social initiatives in order to support political associations and organizations, acting in the country, from informational and ideological points of view. 5.2. Elaboration of the conceptual model of the optimal state development. 5.3. Informational and enlightener activity via the mass media. Establishment of our own media, including the website and printed media, reflecting the activity of the Organization, its projects, initiatives and theoretical developments. 5.4. Lectures, seminars, round tables, conferences, theme exhibitions and other social events, literary-philosophical works contests. 5.5. Cooperation with other public associations, governmental institutions, individuals, including the international projects realization. 5.6. Development of the Organization, creation of its structure and its resource base, of its departments and offices on the Russian Federation territory as well as the creation of core specialists groups in different fields of human knowledge.
PollHumanity is in a deep crisis. What will be next?Pressing topic
Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Our partnersНаш баннер![]() |